REPORT to Mid-Samford Ward: January 2017

by Sue Carpendale on 24 February, 2017

Change of Governance – adopting a Cabinet-Leader model

At a meeting of the Council on 20th December 2016, a majority of councillors voted to change from a committee system to an “Executive” model of governance. Whilst opposition Members have concerns about this change, the Administration believes that it will mean greater levels of openness, transparency and collaboration.  On the one hand, there should be increased accountability to our residents and possibly a stronger Scrutiny function; it could also mean we will have a more efficient and agile decision making process, making it easier for both Councillors and officers to deliver the best outcomes for the people of Babergh. On the other hand, fewer councillors will be involved in decision making or be able to influence decisions.

The detail as to how the new model will actually function is still to be worked out.  For example:  how much decision-making and spending authority should be delegated to individual members of the Cabinet? Where are the boundaries between the decisions councillors will take or officers will take?  What constitutes a “significant” or key decision? What will be the residual role and powers of Council as opposed to the Cabinet? How much work and what kind of work will Scrutiny undertake?  Constitutionally, each Council must have its own Cabinet, but possibly the two Cabinets for Babergh and Mid Suffolk might meet simultaneously, in the same room, even if they vote separately. There could be a number of joint committees.

The new model will come into effect from May 2017 and cannot be changed for at least five years.

All of this is taking place, at speed, in the context of the Electoral Review being carried out by the Boundary Commission. This review will dictate the future size of the Council (numbers of councillors) and how the wards are made up and distributed.  Changes are inevitable as there are already population imbalances in some areas and more growth is planned.  There must be electoral equality across the District and enough councillors to fulfil Council’s responsibilities. There is also the representational role of councillors in a predominantly rural area.  How will they engage with residents, conduct case work and represent the Council on local partner organisations? Babergh must submit its recommendation on final councillor numbers, backed with evidence, by mid-March.

Village development

There is a temporary pause in the progress of the two major applications in Capel St Mary.  We are waiting for the written Judgement to be published from the recent Judicial Review won by the parish of East Bergholt. It is not yet clear how this might impact on development proposals, or on the interpretation of “local need”.

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